Rank When Value is Changed in Not Ordered Dataset

Fakhredin Khorasani
2 min readAug 18, 2021


Sometimes you should order your data in SQL as group of values like this:

Step 1:

get row number and lag value of data in each row

with t as (
select *
from (values (100),(100),(100),(10),(100),(100),(10),(10))
as v(c)
lc as (
select row_number() over() as rn, c, lag(c) over() as l
from t
-- rn c lag_c
-- 1 100 Null
-- 2 100 100
-- ...
-- 7 10 100
-- 8 10 10

Step 2:

Create a flag based on equality of data column and lag of data column

select rn, c, l, 
case when l = c then null else 1 end as flag
from lc-- RESULT
-- rn c lag_c flag
-- 1 100 null null
-- 2 100 100 null
-- ...
-- 7 10 100 1
-- 8 10 10 null

Step 3:

Join each row with Less-Than or Equal row number of itself to find all detected changes flags which exist in previous values and sum them with group by row_number & value.

select main.c as data, sum(previous.flag) as rank
from co as main join co as previous
on main.rn >= previous.rn
group by main.c, main.rn
order by main.rn
with t as (
select *
from (values (100),(100),(100),(10),(100),(100),(10),(10))
as v(c)
lc as (
select row_number() over() as rn, c, lag(c) over() as l
from t
co as (
select rn, c, l, case when l = c then null else 1 end as flag
from lc
select main.c as data, sum(previous.flag) as rank
from co as main join co as previous on main.rn >= previous.rn
group by main.c, main.rn
order by main.rn



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